FIXED: considered fixed because we take the structure or element and keep it fixed. Between them, we have:

  • Backhaus field clamp: This clamp has rings and is fixed by means of a zipper. They are used in surgery to fix the sterile fields that delimit the operating field.


  • Jones field clamp: This is an elastic clamp that is fixed by the convergence of its branches, designed to hold the sterile fields that cover the patient together, limiting the area or operating field.

  • Allis forceps: It is used to border tissues and present them, avoiding the tearing of the structures thanks to the design in their jaws.

  • Foerster or heart forceps Its main function is to hold any surgical material, its use is mainly used with gauze, exercising the function of tissue dissection, this is thanks to the rings that it has in its jaw which are not traumatic and have a stable grip.